Trick Habit Drought Generating Long And Lord Zalim

In a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad peace be alaihi wasallam asked the immigrants to be alert to the emergence of five reinforcements or disasters caused by the five sins. In order to complete our understanding, let us consider the completeness of the hadith:

عن عبد الله بن عمر قال أقبل علينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
فقال يا معشر المهاجرين خمس إذا ابتليتم بهن وأعوذ بالله
أن تدركوهن لم تظهر الفاحشة في قوم قط حتى يعلنوا بها
إلا فشا فيهم الطاعون والأوجاع التي لم تكن مضت في أسلافهم
الذين مضوا ولم ينقصوا المكيال والميزان إلا أخذوا بالسنين
وشدة المئونة وجور السلطان عليهم ولم يمنعوا زكاة أموالهم
إلا منعوا القطر من السماء ولولا البهائم لم يمطروا
ولم ينقضوا عهد الله وعهد رسوله إلا سلط الله عليهم عدوا
من غيرهم فأخذوا بعض ما في أيديهم
وما لم تحكم أئمتهم بكتاب الله ويتخيروا
مما أنزل الله إلا جعل الله بأسهم بينهم

From Abdullah ibn Umar said, "The Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam to expose our faces and said:" O class immigrants, five case if you have a trial with him, and I seek refuge in God may you not experienced it; (1) It is an abomination spread in a people, then they do it openly but will spread in the middle of their Tha'un disease and hunger had never happened to their predecessors. (2) It is not they reduce the scale and measure unless they will be tortured by prolonged drought and zhalim ruler. (3) It is they were reluctant to pay zakat their wealth unless the sky will stop dripping water to them, if not for the animals they would not have to give rain. (4) It is not they violate the promise of Allah and His Messenger will kuasakan Allah except for those from outside their enemies and master it. And (5) is not their leaders are reluctant to carry out the laws of God and do not consider better what Allah hath revealed, except Allah will make the fear of them. "(Reported by Ibn Majah 4009)
Brother, indeed if we consider this hadith and the country reflected the conditions in which we live today, even the general state of the world-the real right that the five-commander had become a reality at the time of fitna full today ..! Please us consider one by one warning Prophet alaihi wasallam above:
Second, the Prophet alaihi wasallam asked us wary of the spread of the habit mikyaala wal yanqusul-miizaan (habits to reduce the scale and measure) in the community. Yanqusul habits mikyaala wal-miizaan will mislead the prolonged drought and the presence of despotic rulers in the community.
ولم ينقصوا المكيال والميزان إلا أخذوا بالسنين
وشدة المئونة وجور السلطان عليهم
"(2) It is not they reduce the scale and measure unless they will be tortured by prolonged drought and zhalim ruler." (Reported by Ibn Majah 4009)
Today We also feel this has become reality in the lives of both the national and global scale. Lots of people who develop the habit of reducing the scale and measure. This is a bad habit that is essentially derived from the habit of deceiving the world to gain a little advantage malalui not lawful manner.
The habit of cheating has been rampant at all levels of society, both grassroots and elite levels. Whether it's the ordinary people and high officials. Was so well she has been rampant since the age was still in high school to become a leader in the community. Among the young and the elderly. And this deceptive practice is shown either by a rough-and smooth-transparent disguise. Society witnessed how public officials make decisions corruption openly while hiding behind the various propositions of formal legislation. Ordinary or veiled corruption such as: a civil servant had no children, then enroll foster children as biological children in order to benefit. Or a widow who left her husband died of a civil servant, and was married again, but did not report it, so even though the widow had not still get a widow pension. Or for example, a child who is already married is not reported to still be able to support the family. Or a student teacher even involved in the buying and selling questions and answer keys of the National Examination (UN). Still pedulikah money from them if deceptive practice was lawful or unlawful?
All of the above deceptive practice has become a common phenomenon in today's society. And the Messenger of Allaah be upon us as wasallam ummatnya warned that this will bring bad consequences for society. So the season into chaos. When the dry season comes, the drought was long and very bitter for most people. When the rainy season comes, the rain water is often a source of disasters such as floods and landslides everywhere. In addition, the emergence of God will taqdirkan despotic rulers in the community if the habit has menggejala deceptive.
Frankly, this is now in effect. Because many forms of cheating habit, then came the long dry and despotic rulers. No wonder through his book God forbid yanqusul habits mikyaala wal-miizaan (habits to reduce the scale and measure):

وإلى مدين أخاهم شعيبا قال يا قوم اعبدوا الله
ما لكم من إله غيره ولا تنقصوا المكيال والميزان
إني أراكم بخير وإني أخاف عليكم عذاب يوم محيط
ويا قوم أوفوا المكيال والميزان بالقسط
ولا تبخسوا الناس أشياءهم
ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين

"And the (population) Mad-yan (We sent) their brother Shu'aib. He said: "O my people, worship Allah, you have no other God but Him. And do not reduce the dose and the scales, I see you in good condition (able to) and I fear for you will doom the devastating day (Hour ). " And He said: "O my people, cukupkanlah dosage and balance with a fair, and do not harm humans of their rights and do not make a crime in the land with mischief." (Surah Hud verses 84-85)
If so, masihkah wonder why we need more years of growing season is difficult to predict? And why nature appears increasingly hostile to the people who live in the vicinity, so came the famine when drought and floods and landslides during the rainy season. Shall we have to confusion why the authorities at various levels of leadership, both the village chief to the president despotic superpower behavior and hated by most of the people they lead?
My brother, let us be honest in all human movements live. Let us measure and scales both ends meet with fairly, so the seasons and the weather becomes friendly again with humans. So that the leaders who emerged in the middle we are trustful leader, fair and far more afraid of the consequences in the hereafter is eternal rather than just take from the mortal world. Amin ya Rabb.

Trick Habit Drought Generating Long And Lord Zalim
Era Muslim.



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