Luck And Attitude Against Disaster

Muslims because Muslims called on attitudes kelekatannya surrender to Allah SWT. Islam means "submission". Islam is a way of life that requires its adherents to give himself completely to God. Is not permissible for a Muslim to have an attitude or their own opinions in important matters in life. If non-Muslims (infidels) consider themselves entitled to have their own attitudes and opinions about life, love and a happy accident, the Muslim religion should ask whether the meaning of it all. Hence it can be called "Muslim" which means submission. Written in the Qur'an Excellency:    * Know that the life of this world is but play and one of neglect, jewelry and glorify oneself between you and the proud-proud of the many wealth and children, such as rain-crop planting farmers amazing; then the plant becomes dry and you see yellow color became destroyed. And in the Hereafter (later) there is a hard punishment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure. And the life of this world is nothing but a deceptive pleasure. (20)
    * Race-lombalah you to (a) forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messenger and His Messenger. That is the gift of God, given to whom He wills. And God has a great gift. (21)
    * No of disasters and tribulations that befall the earth and (not all) of yourself, but have been written in the book (Lauh Mahfuzh) before we create it. Surely that that is easy for Allah. (22)
    * (We describe such) that you do not grieve for what escapes you, and that you do not get too excited about what is given unto Him. And Allah loveth not any arrogant man who prided himself (23), Surat al-Hadid verse 20-23
For those who have never know of this paragraph, may be amazed how God the Most High and Wise Giving a recipe has a very useful life for His servants are fortunate to have faith. The verses are very beautiful when sung by a melodious voice Qari the schools of how to read it.
STOP PRESS Making Allah in the Qur'an with the words "I'lamu" (57:20), which this declaration is a formal statement, a serious and weighty for an important information for humans. The contents of these edicts is an explanation of the nature of human life. Namely that it (life) is just a game. As the name game, then the world does not deserve to be addressed with the seriousness and sincerity in serving the demands. Explaining God, too, that some things (for example) of what is regarded as the important things in life, in fact it was all like a mirage.
In the next verse (57:21) Allah SWT recommends direct people to behave otherwise tehadap what is the opposite / opposite of the life of the world, namely the Hereafter. If the life of the human world should mensikapinya only as a game and deserves no serious attitude let alone trying hard, then the afterlife that is the antithesis or opposite of the life of the world, people should be serious and even compete. Promise of God as well as the extent and forgiveness hereafter provided. The next verse (57:22) other important information related to the two previous verses. That is about destiny. That human destiny, good or bad, even every event that happened on this world stage, essentially predetermined. This information provides a clear perspective on the status of human life test, that test a good life and bad is predetermined so that people do not have to regret or force. The right attitude in the face of fate is not easy. Especially when dealing with a very sad event, or very severe, people really need to put himself in a right-exact. Humans must take a position on the examination and patient remains suspect both to God and he is difficult or troubled. That test, all tests were conducted to test up to the boundary points ability. Human life had never known statically. There's always the dynamic live with him. No man in this world that can not be tested with good and evil in this world, whether he likes it or not. In many verses Allah has Memaklumatkan that every man will be tested, just maybe not all men mensikapi accident and delicious with the same attitude. Some people are optimists who tend to face the difficulties of life with optimism, that he always tried to find a way out, even thought the difficulty as a challenge. There are also people who tend to be pessimistic on anything negative, always complaining and feeling bad. It's human nature to complain when faced with adversity. Even so easy to feel human despair and lost his mind and patience. The range of human attitudes toward disaster can be started from just a small complaint to the loss of sanity due to emotional upset or uncontrolled anger. A person who feels that the difficulty or disaster at hand is a small thing, he would mensikapinya casually and have many opportunities to think in order to overcome these difficulties. This person is focused on solving problems, and he activates his brain to try to find a way out. Others as if someone was unfortunate that it faces is too heavy or large for him, he would sink into the problem, in contrast to the first man who tried to fix the problem by using his brain, his second is even drowned in the matter. Feelings who drowned herself.
Human feelings, human perception of things is not the objective measure. Human feelings can be exaggerated, while the perception may be wrong. In the face of disaster, there are people who feel that the test he could not face. He considers the test was too much for him. This perception itself. And Allah SWT has Stating in the Qur'an that a person will not be burdened with more than its capacity levels (2:286). Allah the Most Knowing had Measuring the levels of ability and he was really able to cope, but he has misled himself by accident perceive it is too big or heavy for him. This perception is then followed by prejudice against God, thinking that God is not fair, thought that God was punishing him with humiliation and disaster. Once again this is a false perception of human beings.
Allah SWT give you an idea of people the wrong perception of the accident and delicious as follows: As for man, when his Lord tested and honored him and given him pleasure, then he said: "My Lord has honored me '.
But when his Lord tested him, restricting rezkinya he said: "My Lord hath humiliated". Surat Al-Fajr 15-16. This is an example picture of the human perception of the act of God "Testing" man. Yes, both delicious pleasure or difficulty status is the same "test". So-called "test" must contain the obligation to be human specific, and do not want people to be otherwise.
Implicitly, this verses (89: 15-16) also provides a kind of satire of human beings who have placed the world in the form of jewelry sustenance, position and pleasure as a measure of "good" or "bad". Those who measure human fortune or misfortune is only based on earthly things ataumatter oriented.
Allah SWT To will be fit for human beings or the right to what he faced and what he received in this world. God wants us as human beings with mensikapi all calm, stable, permanent loss of balance and not real life orientation that is oriented toward the hereafter. This was reflected in verse 23 Surah Al-Hadid, namely: (We describe such) that you do not grieve for what escapes you, and that you do not get too excited about what is given unto Him.
do not grieve and do not be too happy in this world, both in dealing with difficult or happy. Be stable and balanced (balance) because in reality the world is only a mirage. Any difficulties that trouble the world is deceptive, because if the patient is addressed with these difficulties is the gift of God which gives us the opportunity for lots of patience and repentance, which is good for us, good for our Hereafter. While all the fun and delicious world of delusion just as well, because may well contain slanderous or grave danger to us because we may be arrogant or excessively so that we fall into sin and the wrath of God in the hereafter. Dzalik Na'udzubiLlahi min.
Humans are capable of acting as a guide this paragraph are only human beings who are capable of understanding the three verses before this, namely verse 20, 21 and 22 of Surah Al-Hadid at the top.
Muslims because Muslims called on attitudes kelekatannya surrender to Allah SWT. Islam means "submission". Islam is a way of life that requires its adherents to give himself completely to God. Is not permissible for a Muslim to have an attitude or their own opinions in important matters in life. If non-Muslims (infidels) consider themselves entitled to have their own attitudes and opinions about life, love and a happy accident, the Muslim religion should ask whether the meaning of it all. Hence it can be called "Muslim" which means submission.
A season must understand whether the nature of the world, and how mensikapinya by what God says, not what the human passions and desires alone. Here are some of the important points to be understood:

   1. Allah will surely lower the test to everyone, so long as he lived in the world he should always prepare for the exams is good or bad God.
   2. God Says Al-Fajr in the letter above and many other verses in the Qur'an well and guidance hadiths of the Prophet SAW that it "good" or "bad" given to man is the same test. Favors or disaster is both testing instruments for human faith is confessed faith.
   3. In both types mensikapi human test should always be put balanced attitude, which is basically a reference back to the attitude to be grateful and patient. Grateful when I felt good and patient when I felt cramped or difficult.
   4. Among the pearls are very precious life is taken as ita proper attitude in facing trials in life verses, written at the beginning of this paper, which essentially is a neutral attitude toward the world: that you do not grieve for what escapes you, and so you do not get too excited about what is given unto Him. Let us not feeling too much, either as a accident or as a favor.
   5. Balanced or neutral attitude above can be formed when we have first to understand that life is just tricks mere mirage, and that akhiratlah real life.
Hopefully this brief description can give an idea of how should our attitude in the face of this mortal world



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