I Wont To Break Free

Friends of Indonesia's super,
who was making all her limitations as penghebat life.

Hopefully my greetings on this beautiful Wednesday evening, see you in full health and peace of gratitude.

Mother Linna, the audience, and I - to express my thanks and deep gratitude for the prayers and good wishes for the good fellow with us, when we were in the Holy Land in Worship Umroh in weeks ago.

With the blessing of God the Most Great, today MTSC family room has been ignored by more than 975.000 Super Fans from around the world.
I always remind myself, that if this MTSC family room we see as a worship space - then we are today, this minute - we're thinking, acting, good action and seek with a very large congregation.

If someone click 'Like' in one Super Note that contains a prayer for him and for others, then that soul has made himself fully to pray with the same prayers.

If someone writes Comment "Amen" at the bottom of Super Note that contains a prayer for him and for others, then he along with nearly one million friends asked for an answer to prayer for himself and for all who mengikhlaskan themselves to pray together.

And if someone wrote down an additional hope and prayer in his Comment, he has added an in-amen prayer out by many friends, for the good of self, family, and for others.

And for all team members and I personally MTSC service, we require self-amen to all the prayers and good wishes conveyed by all the relatives and our friends in the MTSC and in this life.

A good friend of my heart,

Here is the Super Note that I collated over from my writing for a radio program Talk Super Mario, in the year 2006, which I paste in it a few pearls of life that we downloaded in the banquet in the Holy Land last week.

Younger siblings and my children dear,

Photos in the Golden Moment below is Mr. Mario at the age of 50 years, four years ago. Oh my God ..., I am not Young Anymore!

And believe me, one day you will of changed from as old as I am. But the real challenge is ...

Staying Young-Spirited peace as long as possible.

So, kindly please enjoy, absorption, and apply.

... ... ... ..


... ... ... ..

A good friend of my heart,

We start huh?

The best things in life - free and free of charge.

Can you imagine how much money should we spend if we must pay for all the things that allows us to stay alive?

How much air, health care prices, the price of the completeness of our senses, the price of love in our family, and the price of a good parent?

But we have a tendency to abandon that seems easily obtainable.

Very important things that we treat as if they have no value, until one moment - one of those things taken away from us. Such as damaged reputation, health terlukainya, gersangnya affection within the family, and endangerment of safety.

Actually, each person is limited by something.

Restriction that makes a person free, or imprisoned.

Personal talent for greatness,
treat the limit as the edge lines of the field which gave the freedom to sing songs melenggokkan sincerity of heart and sincerity of his efforts dances.

Personal gifted to the sad,
treat the boundary as a moving wall menghimpitnya; ... not because the walls were moving to narrow life,
but because he was busy wailing and glue themselves to one limitation, and not run and looks up with wide chest - to join us who have long discovered the beauty,
in a personal freely in the narrow-narrow limits.

Um ... Would not That be beautiful?

Become a person who freely, in the narrow-narrow limits.

God is great!

So let us accept with sincerity, that no person be free from restrictions. And because there is no purpose other than to glorify our Lord, then for the soul who accepts it - limits are breeders.

Restrictions are breeders.

Actually ...,

We are constrained by something that will glorify us.

All of our limitations is the fence and wall that directs the hearts, minds, and our actions to the circumstances in which we become more powerful than the boundaries themselves.

So, sincere soul who received his limitations as a breeder, will appreciate the freedom that exist within their limitations, and live and work to build happiness in it.

So that what we call freedom is really good quality of life - which is within the boundaries of what makes us still referred to as a good personal.

For the soul who accepts it, it was easy to understand that ...

Freedom is in fact - are in favor.

Only people who live in the good that can be called free.

Anyone who operates outside of the good, will have to explain and to pay fines for vandalism done - especially those against itself.

Those who exceed the limits for good - will go into areas that are not reassuring, which makes it difficult to respect himself, and that makes it suspicious that required him to guard against even the most trusted people.

Is not often the case - a criminal to ask for help someone who is noble noble to be a mediator in disputes among the wicked?

All restrictions set for membaikkan life.

So that actually,

Limits are good.

And no one can violate the limits, without violating the good.

That is why, God does not like people who break the limit.

... ... ... ..

My best friend has been prepared for him a peaceful and prosperous life,

Freedom is the foundation for happiness.

No man can be happy if he was not free to be a good person.

Not the least of our brothers who had betrayed his rights as a human nature which is free - in exchange for false pride, with temporary pleasures, and with instant security.

Maybe because keterdesakannya, he limited his goodness might do, with emphasis on the bad things that was most easy and many people have chosen.

Let us suppose that the evil has become good, just because it has a lot of great people doing it.

Only someone who is basically not a good person, smth that can damage the liver in the original goodness of his own.

The amount of calmness in doing evil, is a sign of the torture that is being deferred to her heart.

And all costs, will be submitted.

So let us always remember that anything other than goodness, is a prison; may shabby and cold, or a luxurious and warm - but all the things that are beyond the goodness is in jail.

Let us look around us, and ask ...

Can a ruler who built the power and wealth in ways that are not honest - talk about honesty, without his own heart derided himself?

Let not the establishment of others in a bad effect, disturbing the peace of our hearts to remain faithful to be good personal.

Let us expand the understanding to those who are within our friendship, that

Ask for forgiveness in order to mourn removed from adversity - not a noble action to prevent recurrence of a trouble.

Weak people often make us admire his ability to dwell-soluble-wailing lament of the petition for forgiveness, as if God Almighty knows it will not quite understand if he did not repeat the expression of his suffering as much as possible.

Nasehatkanlah to the younger brothers of our children and our loved ones,
that ...

The presence of His God is Not Unlike the stifling know your heart is, even long before the pain in your heart begins to cut.

So glorify God by suffering replenish your report, then use some of your clarity of mind to understand what you deliver it into trouble.

Remember that

Others never completely wrong, and you will never completely correct.

Indeed in such sincerity tersinari understanding about ways to improve your life.

Then, haste involved in the bustle of the good of others, because
in actions that are useful for other people that there is a cure for all diseases.


In the action that is useful for others, there is a cure for all diseases.

Like you, every person who lives free in goodness - is by itself a model of goodness, and with which he is freed to deliver the good.


Whether the resulting difference because that's good that you convey, what makes you a leader.

You called a leader if you cause to reconcile differences and the welfare of others.

Teladankanlah goodness.

Because, personally have a lot of smooth and slippery that promises peace and prosperity that we should sit them as leaders,
... And who then left us to take care of our own peace.

So let us be wise in choosing a leader for peace and our prosperity.

Let us make ourselves as the leader of each of the first in our lives.

... ... ... ..

My brothers are promising youth of the greatness of his role for the good life for others,

Serve the beauty of living in a thorough cleansing cup.

If the bowls are available - not washed properly, and teach two palms of your hands as bowls for presenting sweet nectar saris glory of heaven to our brothers and sisters are tired and thirsty.

Always invent ways to held a small flag that you carry, so that those who need clarity of direction - can find directions, because they find you.

Let us teladankan confidence, that

The only way the leadership is the freedom to serve others in kindness.

... ... ... ..

My friends have as much right to anyone to the welfare and happiness,

I am optimistic that the above simple note of seriousness may assist you to make yourself breeder yourself and your family's life dear.

I hope God does not linger longer postpone great gifts that are appropriate for your clarity of mind, for the clearness of your heart, and for the beauty of your behavior.

Our family is entitled to the pride and gratitude be blessed with a son, brother, mother, and father as we are.

Hopefully reduce the power of God His glorious side, which helps us in promoting the welfare and happiness for ourselves and our beloved families.

Let us together whispering ...

My God I loved very,

Make me your lover.

This tired of your lover, requiring the strengthening of Mu
Your lover is injured, you need treatment
Your lover is constrained, requiring the release of Mu
Thy lover this confusion, need your guidance
and ...
Your boyfriend is grieving, need penggembiraan Mu

Thy lover, thy need

You are my Lord,
I do not have nothing if I have you.

My God, I love thee

So love me.

Amien ...

... ... ... ..

My best friend is noble,

Until we see you yes? So that we can exchange compliments and gratitude for being permitted by God for brothers and friends in kindness.

By Mario Teguh



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