VoMiT released a DVDRip of the 2009 Crime, Drama film “Trapped” starring Tom Atkins, Corbin Bernsen and Paul Bingham. The movie was directed by Ron Hankison, Gavin Rapp.
Plot: In this noirish thriller, a junior partner at a successful corporation conspires to kill his boss – a smart CEO whose business savvy is legendary. Conspiring with the exec’s wife and a shadowy stranger, the ladder climber sets in motion a deadly power. Trapped presents an interesting look at crafting suspenseful crime drama.
Created in the noir style it will have you riveted up until the very last shot. Featuring a cast that includes Corbin Bernsen, Tom Atkins, Jeff Carpenter, Tony Bingham, Alexandra Cherney and Dana Hardy. The picture begins at a Friday-night party celebrating two things: the long and distinguished career of Edward Roth Hutton (Corbin Bernsen), senior partner of the very successful Hutton Enterprises; and the company’s landing of a very important contract, engineered and negotiated by Hutton’s junior partner, Ty MacArthur. We learn at the party that far from being a loyal partner, Ty (Tony Bingham) is not only sleeping with Hutton’s wife, Margot Schugart Hutton (Dana Hardy), but also conspiring with Margot and a shadowy compatriot, Liam (Jeff Carpenter), to murder his boss and mentor, Edward..
Plot: In this noirish thriller, a junior partner at a successful corporation conspires to kill his boss – a smart CEO whose business savvy is legendary. Conspiring with the exec’s wife and a shadowy stranger, the ladder climber sets in motion a deadly power. Trapped presents an interesting look at crafting suspenseful crime drama.
Created in the noir style it will have you riveted up until the very last shot. Featuring a cast that includes Corbin Bernsen, Tom Atkins, Jeff Carpenter, Tony Bingham, Alexandra Cherney and Dana Hardy. The picture begins at a Friday-night party celebrating two things: the long and distinguished career of Edward Roth Hutton (Corbin Bernsen), senior partner of the very successful Hutton Enterprises; and the company’s landing of a very important contract, engineered and negotiated by Hutton’s junior partner, Ty MacArthur. We learn at the party that far from being a loyal partner, Ty (Tony Bingham) is not only sleeping with Hutton’s wife, Margot Schugart Hutton (Dana Hardy), but also conspiring with Margot and a shadowy compatriot, Liam (Jeff Carpenter), to murder his boss and mentor, Edward..
Genre: Crime | Drama
IMDB rating: 7.6/10 (45 votes)
Directed by: Ron Hankison, Gavin Rapp
Starring: Tom Atkins, Corbin Bernsen and Paul Bingham
Release Name: Trapped.2009.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT
Size: 1 CD (700mb)
Quality: 640×352, 880 kbps, MP3 160 kbps
Runtime: 95 minutes
Filename: vmt-trappedd-xvid.avi
Links: IMDB, Homepage, Trailer
Torrent: NewTorrents
Download: Fileserve