Setiap tahun setiap perusahaan antivirus selalu berlomba-lomba untuk membuat produk antivirus yang terbaik. Norton sebagai salah satu perusahaan antivirus terkemuka baru-baru ini mengeluarkan sebuah produk baru yaitu Norton Internet Security 2011
Norton Internet Security 2011 Merupakan software yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk meminimalkan resiko ketika Anda melakukan banyak aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan internet. Fitur tersebut meliputi Insight Protection, Anvirus, Antispyware, SONAR Protection, Smart Firewall, Intrution Detection, Email Protection, Identity Safe, Browser Protection, Safe Surfing, Download Intelligence.
What changes in this version?
- Fixed an issue where Norton Insight can show 0% confidence to the file off monitor performance.
- Fixed not updating maps of viral activity by using intelligent databases.
- Fixed a bug where the panel of anti-spam could be mistaken inactive in Microsoft Outlook 2007 and 2010.
- Fixed an error signal interface plug-in Anti-Spam using Microsoft Outlook.
- Fixed the inability to run an executable file from windows File Insight / Download Insight.
- Fixed a bug where the background scan of all drives in the report shows the wrong number of scanned files.
- Fixed a bug where a full scan of the whole system did not go continuously, including during prime.
- Fixed a bug where the product is reported on the expiry of the license when you upgrade from previous version.
- Fixed causes of the fall of Internet Explorer due to intrusion prevention.
- Improved performance of Norton Toolbar into Internet Explorer 9 Beta.
- Improved grab of the settings when you upgrade (installing above the previous one).
- Improved usability and performance of interaction with tech support.
- Added better support for Anti-Spam in Microsoft Outlook, when it works with multiple accounts.
- Fixed causes of error 8504, which sometimes occurred when running the product.
Key technologies
- Anti Spyware (Spyware)
- Two-way firewall
- Protection against detection
- Advanced protection against phishing
- Control Network
- Detecting (Rootkit)
- Browser security
- Protection against Internet worms
- Intrusion Prevention
- Protection operating system and applications
- Authentication website
- Frequent automatic updates
- SONAR ™ behavioral protection
- Spam Protection
- Preventing leaks of confidential information and parental controls
- Blocking transmission of information
Note : Di Dalam File Notepad saya menyediakan dua part silahkan anda download kedua nya...ingat ketika meng extract harus kedua file berada dalam satu folder. Heppy
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