Habit Istighfar As Key Income

Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri also recommends seek forgiveness (forgiveness) to every person who complained to him about the aridity, pauperism, at least descent and drought gardens.Imam Al-Qurtubi mentions of Ibn Shabih, behold, he said: "There was a man complained to Al-Hasan Al-Basri of aridity (earth), then he said to him, 'Be is to seek forgiveness, God!. The others complain him about poverty so he said to him, 'Be was to seek forgiveness, God!. And another one said to him,' Do'akanlah (I) to Allah, so He gave me boy!, so he told him, 'Be-istighfar is to God!. And still others complained to him about the drought his garden so he said (also) told him, 'Be is to seek forgiveness, God! ".

And thus we recommend to people who experienced the same thing. In another narration stated: "The Ar-Rabi 'bin Shabih told him,' Many people complain of all sorts (case) and you ordered them all to seek forgiveness for. [1]. So Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, 'I'm not saying it was from myself. But truly God has said in the letter of Noah.

"It means: Ask forgiveness of your Lord, verily He is Oft-Forgiving, He will send to you by the torrential rain, and augment their wealth and your children and make for you gardens and held (also in it) you rivers." [Noah: 10-12]

Allahu Akbar! How great, huge and lots of fruit from istighfar! O Allah, make our including Thy servants who are good to seek forgiveness. And grant to us the fruit, in this world and the Hereafter. Thou art the All-Hearing and All-Granting. Amen, O Yang Mahahidup and continuous care of His creatures.

[2] Other Verse Word of God Is Telling About Hud Alaihis Shalatu Appeal Was sallam Ber-their people to seek forgiveness.

"Which means: And (Hud said), O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord and unto Him bertaubatlah willed, He could very heavy rain down upon you and He will add strength to your strength and do not be turned away by sinning." [Hud: 52]

Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer in interpreting the noble verse above states: "Then Hud Alaihis greetings ordered his people to seek forgiveness for the sins by which the past can be eliminated, then ordered them to repent for the times they will face. Whoever has such properties this, Allah will facilitate rizkinya, launched her business and keeping the situation. Therefore God says.

"Which means: Surely He is a very dense rain down upon you" [Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 2 / 492. See also, Tafseer Al-Qurtubi, 9 / 51]

O Allah, make us among those who repent and seek forgiveness properties, and ease-Rizki Rizki us, lancarkanlah our affairs and take care of our keadan-state. Thou art the Hearing, the grant the prayer. Amin, the One Who Has whai greatness and glory.

[3] Other Verses is the word of God.

"Which means: And ye shall ask forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him. (If you do so) willed, He would give a good pleasure (continuous) to you until the appointed time, and He will give to each people who have the virtue (reward) preferment. If you turn away, then I fear for you the Day of Resurrection will be punishment. " [Hud: 3]

In the noble verse above, there are the promises of God Almighty and the All-Determining a good form of enjoyment to those who seek forgiveness and to repent. And the meaning of the word.

"It means: Undoubtedly he will give a good pleasure (continuously) to you." As quoted by Abdullah bin Abbas' anhuma is. 'He will menganugrahi Rizki and spaciousness to you'. [Zaadul Masiir, 4 / 75]

While the Imam al-Qurtubi in his commentary says: "This is the fruit seek forgiveness and repentance. That God will give blessings to you with various benefits in the form of spaciousness Rizki and prosperity of life and He will not torture you as it did to the people who perished before you" . [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 9 / 403. See also, Tafsir Tabari, 15/229-230, Tafseer Al-Baghawi. 4 / 373, Fath al-Qadir, 2 / 695 and Tafsir Al-Qasimi, 9 / 63]

And the promise of the Lord of glory was stated in the form of a reply in accordance with the conditions. Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin ash-Syinqithi said: "Section noble indicate that seek forgiveness and repent to Allah from our sins so that God is the cause of good menganugrahkan enjoyment to people who do arrive at the appointed time. God give a reply ( good) for it to seek forgiveness and repentance is a reply based on specified conditions ". [Adhwa'ul Bayan, 3 / 9]

[4] Other Evidence That Istighfar And Repentance Is Among Keys Rizki

That is the hadeeth narrated by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawood, An-Nisaa'i, Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim quoted from Abdullah bin Abbas 'anhuma he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said.

"Which means: Whoever reproduce istighfar (beg pardon of Allah, God made a way out for any grief and for each kesempitannya spaciousness and God will give him Rizki (kosher) from the direction of the unexpected

In this noble hadith, the Prophet was an honest and trustworthy, who spoke by revelation, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam preach about the three results that can be learned by those who seek forgiveness reproduce. One of them is, that God the Most Giving Rizki, who has the power to give directions Rizki from unexpected and is not expected and never terdetik in his heart.

Therefore, to those who expect Rizki let him hasten to reproduce seek forgiveness (forgiveness), either by words or by deeds. And every Muslim should be vigilant!, Once again should be vigilant! from doing istighfar only limited by the tongue with no deeds. Because it is the work of liars.
"Ust Yusuf Mansyur"



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