Five Bala Violate Due Commandments

From Abdullah ibn Umar said, "Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam face is turned to us and said:" O group Muhajirin, five case if you get a trial with him, and I take refuge in God I hope you do not experience it; (1) It is not spread in infamy a people, then they do it openly but will be scattered in their midst Tha'un disease and starvation that has never happened to their predecessors. (2) It is not they reduce the weights and measures unless they will be tortured by the prolonged drought and the ruler who zhalim. (3) It is not charity, they are reluctant to pay their wealth unless the sky will stop dripping water to them, if not for the animals they would not have to give rain. (4) It is not they violate the promise of Allah and His Messenger, but Allah will kuasakan upon them from outside their enemies and master it. And (5) is not their leaders are reluctant to carry out the laws of God and do not consider better what Allah hath revealed, except Allah will make the fear of them. "(Reported by Ibn Majah 4009)

Brother, indeed if we look at this hadith ago reflected the conditions of the country in which we live today-even condition of the world in general-then the real right that all five had become a reality in the days full of slander today ..! Please note one by one we are warning of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam above:

First, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam asked us wary of the spread faakhisyah (abomination) openly in the community. If atrocities have been spread in the community, then Tha'un diseases (infectious) and will be a common hunger in the midst of those who never happened to their predecessors.

Frankly, this is now in effect. Because many forms of atrocities openly that appear in our midst, then we also saw the number of people infected with contagious disease and starvation. Various impressions and television broadcast news in many and varied dilakoni abomination of modern humans. Every day we presented the various issues and gossip about the affair, celebrity divorce disputes and even community leaders. In fact, these days we often hear the baby's birth banyakanya case is not expected, so how could leave the mother with the baby in any place. Why the baby was "thrown away"? Because the mother is not willing to bear the shame, because this baby is the result of a relationship outside of marriage (read: adultery). Therefore, the Qur'an not only forbids believers to commit adultery, fornication and even approaching it has been banned ...!

ولا تقربوا الزنا إنه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا

"And come not nigh to fornication; fact that adultery is a heinous act and an evil way." (Sura Al-Israa verse 32)

Even we are also presented in the form of atrocities in the society of human light-terangannya similar sexual relationships (sex), whether it is man with his neighbor (aka gay homosexuality) and women with each other (lesbianism). In fact, in some U.S. states already have laws that formalize same-sex marriage sex. Whereas the Qur'an clearly and expressly forbids this heinous behavior:

ولوطا إذ قال لقومه أتأتون الفاحشة وأنتم تبصرون أئنكم
لتأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل أنتم قوم تجهلون

"And (remember) Lut, when he said to his people:" Why did you do that fakhisyah deeds ye see (it)? " Why do you approach men to (meet) lust (mu), not (come) a woman? Nay, but ye are folk who do not know (due to your deeds). "(Sura An-Naml verses 54-55)

If such circumstances, do we need to wonder why there are various communicable diseases among the people of this country, even the world community in general? So that we hear everywhere terrified people with communicable diseases like dengue fever and others. Even the world were shocked by the emergence of new infectious diseases that never happened to predecessors such as avian flu and swine flu. Similarly, do we have to spread confusion why the hunger in this country and even around the world, but Forbes magazine has just launched in 1000 list of richest people in the world where one of their existing assets to achieve his wealth one-third of wealth nations of Indonesia, which is more than 50 billion U.S. dollars ...?!

Almighty Allah says: "Whoever who helped Religion of God, God will mnolong and confirms his position." (Muhammad: 7)



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